Deliberately Me!

A journey for those seeking contentment in a deliberate God

He is NOT Ashamed (Embarrassed)

Earlier this week, I was thinking about relationships and the dynamics which can influence our responses. You know...dynamics which can cause how we act within or retreat from a relationship. Relationships which range from parent and child, teacher and student, wife and husband, colleagues, manager and employee, friends, and siblings.

The dynamics of any relationship will dictate how we respond to being in the relationship. Dynamics how someone makes you feel based on what they do or what they say. Have you ever felt someone was ashamed or embarrassed by something you did? This could be any relationship. Maybe you said something incorrectly or missed a key action for an event or extracurricular activity? Did you show up to a dinner party late or gala with attire that did not match the theme? What about sibling relationships? Have you ever felt you could never be good enough for that family member or maybe that one friend?

I know this is going a little deep, but the Lord gave me this phrase as I was thinking about relationships.

He is NOT Ashamed.

The Lord is never embarrassed or afraid to take you out and show you off. The Lord is not waiting to correct you for misspelled or mispronounced words. He is not paying attention if you crossed your T’s and dotted your I’s. He is not embarrassed that your presentation was a little bumpy or you tanked the job interview. He is not embarrassed by your looks, size, or race because He created you.

He is NOT Ashamed.


If you remember anything from this message. Remember the Lord smiles at your unique choices because you were intentionally created to be different. Think differently. Walk differently. Talk differently. Work differently. You were created to flow differently than everyone else on this earth.

I am not sure who needed to hear this, but I felt the Lord wanted to remind you, He is not ashamed of you, nor does He regret creating you. Your identity is not found in people and things. Your identity is not found in how you execute transactions in your professional and personal world. Your identity is not found in the relationships you hold dear. Your identity and image are that of the Sovereign Lord, Jehovah.

He is NOT Ashamed.


Genesis 1:27-28, “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.  God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

Genesis 1:31, “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.”