Deliberately Me!

A journey for those seeking contentment in a deliberate God

You Always Show Up

John 1:5 (NIV) “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Good evening,

Today’s post will not be my usual focused message but more of my 2024 random thoughts and experiences. This blog will close us out for the last message of 2024.

I started this blog a few years ago but was never consistent. At the end of 2023, I prayed and asked the Holy Spirit to help me commit to one post a month. And I am happy to say, I have been doing that since January of this year. It has not always been easy because it requires an intentional mindset to sit still and make time to write. It required me to pay attention to the end of each month and scheduling writing time to post at the beginning of each month. It required me to commit.

That is a thought…

It required me to commit.

Is there something that you were supposed to commit to during 2024? How is your commitment going? Now, I am not asking to make you feel guilty if you are not where you would like to be. But I am asking you to recommit. If this is something you are truly passionate about. If this is something you know the Lord has laid on your heart. If this is something that you keep being reminded to focus on. If this is something you know that you know that you know that you know someone is waiting to receive the blessings from your actions. Then you need to recommit.

Consistency = Commitment. Commitment = Consistency


Now on to the next thought.

Those who know me know I LOVE THE SNOW!! I absolutely love it. One of my favorite things to do is walk outside, listen to my worship music, and conversate with God. The air might be cold, but it is always refreshing for me. Each breath I feel a little lighter. Each breath I feel a little more at peace. Each breath I am reminded that I am not alone.

So why did I title this one “You Always Show Up.” Because one of my favorite songs is On Time God sung by a few people including Chandler Moore and Abbie Gamboa.

One of the song’s lyrics says, “You Always Show Up.” This song gets me every time because I can relate to Him always showing up.

When I have had so many health issues in the past 2 years, then I have had my entire life.

You Always Show Up.

When my children and I have been in multiple car accidents. Car accidents that have totaled cars.

You Always Show Up.

When I have had numerous organizational changes at my company. Changes that have impacted thousands of people.

You Always Show Up.

When I am not deserving of personal and professional opportunities.

You Always Show Up.

When I am not always the best steward of things in my life, but I trust in Him.

You Always Show Up.

When I complain about foolish stuff. When I lose focus on what is important.

You Always Show Up.

When I am struggling, overwhelmed, and experiencing a season of sadness.

You Always Show Up.

When I am mentally and emotionally spent. When I have nothing left to give.

You Always Show Up.

When I wonder if I am headed in the right direction.

You Always Show Up.

When I miss loved ones.

You Always Show Up.

When I feel alone.

You Always Show Up.

When I have nothing left in the tank.

You Always Show Up.

When I feel attacked from every angle.

You Always Show Up.

When I am exhausted from the realities of this world.

You Always Show Up.


I could go on about my 2024, but what is your “when?” What are you dealing with? What are you waiting for? What are you fighting against?

Whatever it is. Remember that our Lord lives in you, is present with you, and fights for you.

So regardless of your “when….” The ending is He Will Show Up!

I pray you take time throughout December to remember all the ways He has shown up for you.

 John 1:5 (NIV) “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

The Aftermath of Our Impatience

Yesterday’s sermon series discussed Exodus chapter 33. During the sermon, the pastor mentioned the golden calf incident and then the consequences which came after. As I was sitting in my seat what came to my mind was the “Aftermath of Our Impatience.”

Moses was only gone for 40 days. He was gone because he was seeking the Lord on behalf of leading the Israelites. His delay in returning had everything to do with the best intentions for the Israelites. He was not gone for 40 days for a beach vacation. He was not gone for 40 days because he was visiting a best friend or family member. He was not gone for 40 days because he decided to leave them alone in the desert. No. Moses was not present with them because he retreated to the fullness of the Lord’s presence to receive wisdom, direction, and a refilling of his soul.

But the Israelites in their human nature decided to respond from the flesh. They took the same gold that was given to them from the Egyptians to make idols to worship. Their impatience led them to act on their fleshy impulses which led to a tragic end for many of them. Their lack of restraint and not understanding the “why” Moses was gone led to a consequence which could have been avoided.

How many times have we acted from a place of impatience? What has been the aftermath of your fleshy impulses?

The crazy thing about these chapters is they were blessed with all that gold and silver. And instead of using the gifts of gold and silver to bless others in some way. They turned their blessings into an idol which led to the aftermath of losing their blessings and death for some.

I am grateful to our Lord because He is beyond patient and merciful to us. But sometimes, He will allow consequences to occur which is really the aftermath of our impatience or disobedience.

I encourage you to read Exodus chapters 32-34. Take time with the Lord and think about the golden calves you may have created because of your struggle to wait on the Lord.

Have a blessed and healthy week!

It is in our DNA!

Genesis 1:26 “Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness,”

 Some years back, I was visiting my family for a surprise birthday party. During our trip we visited different relatives including meeting people we had never met. We discussed updates on what our children were doing and new things in which we were involved. I do not remember all the details of the visit, but I do remember one phrase a relative said. They said, “It is in my DNA.” They were making this comment because if I remember correctly, they were thinking about leaving their job due to it being a toxic environment. They were referring to who they were because of their father (earthly dad). And that they knew who they were and would not continue to be subjected to this type of treatment.

It is amazing what one little, but powerful statement can do. This statement has stuck with me all these years. I even remember saying, I need to write a message on “It is in my DNA.” 

October’s blog will be short but provide a powerful reminder that “It is in Your DNA.” Do you know how I know? Because the Word says, He made us in His image (likeness). The great and sovereign Lord made us to resemble Him. Let me repeat it differently. The MAKER of HEAVEN and EARTH made us in HIS IMAGE!

So yes! It is in Your DNA.

It is in Your DNA to finish your diploma, GED, or College degree.

It is in Your DNA to start a new business.

It is in Your DNA to find the next job opportunity.

It is in Your DNA to receive your next promotion.

It is in Your DNA to overcome depression or addiction.

It is in Your DNA to reconcile your marriage.

It is in Your DNA to raise amazing god-fearing children.

It is in Your DNA to overcome this season of constant change and uncertainty.

It is in Your DNA to finish what you have been putting off for years.

It is in Your DNA to give grace to the unlovable.

It is in Your DNA to make it just one more day.

It is in Your DNA to complain less and be more grateful.

It is in Your DNA to walk with your head held High because you are a creation of the MOST HIGH!

It is in Your DNA to overcome any obstacle because the presence of the “IMAGE MAKER” is always with you.

So, what type of attitude will you walk with this week?

You will operate according to YOUR FATHER’S (Heavenly) posture because it is in YOUR DNA!

Genesis 1:26 “Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness,”


Peace I give You!

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid (John 14:27 NIV).”

Good Day my sisters and brothers,

I have been thinking about this verse since last week. I do not remember when I read it, but I remember sending it to my prayer group for encouragement. One thing I try to remember is when you do not have the words to pray for others or yourself. The WORD is enough. Many people are dealing with difficulties, including me. This past year, I feel like something has happened each month either to me or someone I know. So much that I know our strength and mental capacity to manage situations is beginning to wane.

But then, I read this verse and was reminded I have access to peace.

Merriam-Webster describes peace as “freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions. a state of tranquility or quiet.”

Merriam-Webster describes give as “to grant or bestow by formal action. To put into the possession of another for his or her use.”

And lastly, Merriam-Webster describes troubled as “ concernedworried.”

You see…this verse is a more than just words from Jesus. He knows everyone is going to face difficulties throughout life. But listen to what He is saying. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. “Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid (John 14:27 NIV).”

Meaning, He has given us access to the power of peace He experienced while on this earth. We have access to the same peace. He has left His peace with us, so we do not have to be concerned or worry.

Yes, I know. It sounds great and for some of us, we can walk it out today and tomorrow we will be back in shambles. But what He gave us is permanent, which is why He said He does not give like the world. All the world has to offer us is temporary mechanisms for coping with this life. Temporary relationships, temporary jobs, temporary health programs, and temporary self-help strategies.

But what Jesus offers is a daily authority of peace. We really can choose to say Jesus I need help, and I am going to receive your permanent authority of peace and no longer worry about this problem. I surrender it to you.

Have you ever tried talking with Him about your problem and then handing it over in exchange for His peace?

Well…if you haven’t. I would try it today. Find somewhere quiet for a few minutes. Share your heart of problems, ask for help, and then ask for His peace.

The key is to leave what you gave Him and allow Him to help.

Be Blessed and Have a Healthy Day!

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid (John 14:27 NIV).”


He is NOT Ashamed (Embarrassed)

Earlier this week, I was thinking about relationships and the dynamics which can influence our responses. You know...dynamics which can cause how we act within or retreat from a relationship. Relationships which range from parent and child, teacher and student, wife and husband, colleagues, manager and employee, friends, and siblings.

The dynamics of any relationship will dictate how we respond to being in the relationship. Dynamics how someone makes you feel based on what they do or what they say. Have you ever felt someone was ashamed or embarrassed by something you did? This could be any relationship. Maybe you said something incorrectly or missed a key action for an event or extracurricular activity? Did you show up to a dinner party late or gala with attire that did not match the theme? What about sibling relationships? Have you ever felt you could never be good enough for that family member or maybe that one friend?

I know this is going a little deep, but the Lord gave me this phrase as I was thinking about relationships.

He is NOT Ashamed.

The Lord is never embarrassed or afraid to take you out and show you off. The Lord is not waiting to correct you for misspelled or mispronounced words. He is not paying attention if you crossed your T’s and dotted your I’s. He is not embarrassed that your presentation was a little bumpy or you tanked the job interview. He is not embarrassed by your looks, size, or race because He created you.

He is NOT Ashamed.


If you remember anything from this message. Remember the Lord smiles at your unique choices because you were intentionally created to be different. Think differently. Walk differently. Talk differently. Work differently. You were created to flow differently than everyone else on this earth.

I am not sure who needed to hear this, but I felt the Lord wanted to remind you, He is not ashamed of you, nor does He regret creating you. Your identity is not found in people and things. Your identity is not found in how you execute transactions in your professional and personal world. Your identity is not found in the relationships you hold dear. Your identity and image are that of the Sovereign Lord, Jehovah.

He is NOT Ashamed.


Genesis 1:27-28, “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.  God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

Genesis 1:31, “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.”

Make Yourself a Priority (even when no one else does)!

Today is July 7th and I was sitting at Panera trying to get caught up on some of my open items. But to take a side note, it got really hot outside and now I am back home.

One of my tasks was completing the July blog message. You see… as for many it has been a difficult few months (probably years) for me and many others. My reminder went off towards the end of June but I continued to hit snooze. Yesterday a friend jokingly commented how they had been waiting on the July post. So here I am.

I will not make this long but wanted to write a reminder which many or not maybe familiar with. The reminder, “It is ok to not be ok.” It is ok to not have everything planned out or written down. It is ok that your job is not going as expected and your children are doing their path (which is opposite of your desired path). It is ok to feel sadness and frustration. It is ok to be exhausted and in need of me-time (which might mean a few months of a cleared calendar).

Whatever you are experiencing right now at this moment. Just know…it is ok. We were not created to handle everything all the time. We were not created to smile and operate in unrealistic behaviors that everything is ok.

If you are reading this and struggling with life. Let me remind you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Life can be difficult and has moments where nothing is happening or everything is happening all at once.

This month’s reminder is to clear your calendar as best you can. REST. RESET. REFOCUS.

No one is going to do it for you. Take one moment at a time and recognize your top priorities over the “it can wait” tasks. Recognizing your health is your top priority and everything else will fall in line.


Psalm 23:1-3 (NIV), “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.”

Both versions of the book are live!

Today, I was reviewing my old emails and came across one from my previous editor and publisher. She was an amazing person who is no longer with us, but I’m blessed to have known her. She was another person who influenced and encouraged my passion to write.

As I was reading the email titles, I noticed the words “Both versions of the book are live!” And for some reason, I thought this should be June’s blog message. Reading that title instantly excited me because this email was from my first book ever published. The first book I spent numerous hours writing, editing, updating, and gathering feedback. The first book that if I am honest, I never really expected to publish. The first book I learned how to listen to the Spirit and be committed every week to write. The first book!

You see…when the Lord first told me to start writing. I was like ok, Lord. In my mind, I was writing to journal or create short messages even though He told me books. I enjoyed every week partnering with the Holy Spirit; though, never really knowing what the finished product would look like. But then, that day when my first draft copy arrived. I think I was silently excited and thought this is really happening. I am publishing my first book.  

My siblings in Christ,

The message is “Both versions of the book are live!” If the Lord has asked you to do something. Do it! Because He will always provide the resources for your path. If you quit, you will never experience the fullness of God’s path for your life. And neither will the people who were meant to be impacted by the gifts given to you.

I implore you if He asked you to do something. Recommit to His will and begin taking steps within that path. Take courage and have heart, so you too can experience “Both versions of the book are live!” It means you have accomplished what the Lord has asked you to do. Imagine the glory He receives and the outpouring your gifts will do for other people (and you).

Philippians 1:6, “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”

Have you witnessed love from a distance?

Recently I was able to witness a loved one’s engagement and it was absolutely beautiful. I was able to witness from a distance the showering of love. One friend fixed her tiara to make sure it was on straight, while others rushed to shower her with hugs. Others looked on with smiles of joy for this surprising occasion.

And so...I got to witness love from a distance.

Other times I have seen love from a distance at birthday parties. Most recently was my youngest birthday party. I remember watching her tear up as she opened gifts because the gifts had significant meanings. I remember her hugging people. Some of whom she had not seen in a while.

And so...I got to witness love from a distance.

I have seen fathers walk their children to school and mothers embrace their children when picking them up. I notice siblings playing and laughing while gently bumping into each other as a sign of love. I have watched husbands and wives hold hands while secretly talking about something only God knows.

And so...I got to witness love from a distance.

I have witnessed friends cleaning up their friend’s house after they hosted an amazing gathering. I have watched friends and family pay for each other’s meals. I have witnessed the persistence of people wanting to get the perfect gift for a loved one and excitement that comes from watching them open it.

And so...I got to witness love from a distance.

I could go on and on about the many ways I have witnessed love from a distance. But what I really wanted us to remember is LOVE IS ALWAYS PRESENT because Jehovah is always present.


My siblings in Christ,

We miss out on so much because we are constantly moving so fast to the next thing. So fast, that we never have time to enjoy what is right in front of our eyes. Every day the Lord blesses us with love not from a distance but up close.

Learn to enjoy love up close by walking in nature or having tea with a friend. Riding bikes with your kids or taking a coffee break with a friend at work. Host a small game night or barbecue for friends. YouTube a new recipe and invite your family to dinner. Cook or burn a meal for your spouse. Try knitting, swimming, kayaking, or Pickleball to meet new people. Whatever it is, do the love things up close.

 Life is too short to only experience it from a distance.

 God wants you to experience LOVE UP CLOSE!


You Are Not A Disappointment

 A few weeks ago, I was watching a show with a brother and sister having a conversation. The phrase mentioned by the sister to the brother is what stuck with me. She said, “You are not a disappointment.”

Before we continue let’s review some definitions for disappointment. states disappointment as the “unhappiness or discouragement that results when your hopes or expectations have not been satisfied, or someone or something that is not as good as you had hoped or expected.” describes it as “a feeling of dissatisfaction that results when your expectations are not realized or an act (or failure to act) that disappoints someone.”

Some synonyms from use words like defeat, disaster, failure, mistake, obstacle, and setback. I definitely have experienced emotions of defeat after a long workday or when a relationship outcome did not go the way I wanted. I have been disappointed in some of my choices as a young lady and as an adult woman. I have known the disappointment I have felt towards the Lord when I know He is all powerful but chooses to allow a circumstance to play out. I have been disappointed in people and myself numerous times, but on that day the phrase of disappointment hit me hard. It did not hit in a way that led me to remember past mistakes or experience shame. What I felt when God pointed out this phrase was relief.

No matter how I might feel about my choices or what someone’s feedback says about my choices. My Father reminded me that HE WAS NOT DISSAPPOINTED IN ME!

Our Father does not look at us as failures or mistakes. Our Father does not feel dissatisfaction or loose hope when our decisions lead to a dark road. And even when our allegiance (lack of trust and obedience) to Him is shaky. Our Father’s love will never change.

My sibling in Christ, I hope you go throughout the rest of your life knowing. You are “very good” (Genesis 1:31). You are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:13-14). You “will never be separated from the love of God in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:37-39).






 Some people are not getting what they want, but stay, because they are comfortable where they are.

What do you think about the above statement? Do you know someone that needs to move on, should move on, and has signs to move on, but stays because they are comfortable.

 Are you this person? describes comfortable as “being in a state of physical or mental comfort; contented and undisturbed; at ease:” I think most people can relate to the feeling of comfort. Maybe being around a close friend brings you comfort. Eating from your favorite donut or cookie shop gives you comfort. Seeing the same cashier at the grocery store or knowing your online item has not sold out can be comforting.

But when does feeling comfortable become a delusion or deception? When is our comfort really hiding our fear of moving on? When is our comfort causing stagnation and missed opportunities to experience a new season? When is our comfort becoming an act of figuratively closing doors?  When does our comfort not really look like comfort, but an excuse to avoid, disobey, and surrender our plan for God’s plan?

 Are you comfortable right now? Yes, I am talking to you.

Is the comfort you are experiencing from God’s plan or your plan?

Did God ask you to do something, but you chose to avoid, disobey, and stay with your plan?

You see…the Lord’s comfort is different than the world’s comfort. Our comfort is usually reliant on selfish intentions within safe lanes, which will not require us to give up too much.  

God’s comfort comes because it is people-focused, outside of our natural abilities, and usually something we would have never wanted to do.

Our Father’s form of comfort is to bring peace through Jesus Christ because He knows we are not capable of doing that very thing without His help. He also knows we tend to feel a false sense of security in the world’s comfort. A good example is the phrase “job security.” There never was and never will be a method for job security. Now before you get upset, I am not saying being professional and doing your job well will not create opportunities. What I am saying is our TRUE SECURITY does not come from believing we can earn a safe passage. Our true security, our true refuge, our true safe haven, and our true eternal comfort comes from the Lord.

There is only one secure option and that will always be the sovereign Lord’s plan, not mine and not yours.

 So, I will ask you again. Are you comfortable? Have you done what has been asked of you?

Or are you still making excuses and closing divine appointed doors to stay comfortable?

 If not, then you need to MOVE (change, act, turn, shift) now.


Jeremiah 29:11(NIV) “ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Read the entire 29th chapter of Jeremiah (or the entire book).


Mud Pit

Where would you go without Him?

What can you do without Him?

Who are you without Him?

John 15:5 (NIV) says “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”


Good day my sibling in Christ,

I do not know about you, but this week was long and draining. Each day added a new hill to climb or a muddy pit with no good shovel to dig myself out. This week was a huge turn of events from last week. Last week was chaotic but I had peace throughout each day.

So, what changed? So, what did I do differently? Did I miss something?



And no.

Both last week and this week, I prayed and spent time with God. I surrendered each day to the Holy Spirit’s leading and thanked God for who He is and what He does. Yet the weeks were quite different. This week each day took more effort than the day before. Each day was filled with longer breaths and controlled frustration. And yesterday, I ended my workday with a headache. know what? There is one similarity with both weeks.

Jesus was present for the word says “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

To be fruitful does not mean there will not be long days and nights. To remain in Christ is not a sunny vacation on a beach or a spa day. To remain in Him and Him to remain in you requires trust, obedience, and full surrender.

A bad moment, day, or week does not mean Christ was not present with you. On the contrary, the fact that you made it through and onto the next demonstrates His presence lives in and around you.

So, the next time you are having a difficult day in a mud pit without a good shovel. Remember you have everything you need as long as you remain in Christ. For He declared not only will He remain in you, but that you would BEAR MUCH FRUIT!

What might look like a mud pit to many in the natural is the Lord in the supernatural strengthening you to do remarkable things. For strong arms are what carry, comfort, empower, encourage, lift, and lead.


Boredom and Peace

Happy New Year 2024 to the person reading this message. It has been an entire year since I posted my last message on this blog. My hope and commitment is to post a message once a month. This commitment is not for a particular reason but only to allow God to provide you (and I) a word which will keep our focus on Him.

Will you join me?


Boredom and Peace

Have you ever heard someone say, “I’m bored.” I’m bored and have nothing to do and nowhere to go. I wish I had something to do. My life tends to be a cycle of routine full of boredom. This person may have even said, “My life is boring.”

Perhaps this person, is you?

The words boredom and peace crossed my mind a while ago because I heard a few people describe their life as boring. This notion of being bored is a real thing but I wonder are we missing the freedom to be bored (at peace)? Are we missing a unique meaning and experience in being bored (stillness)?

Stay with me.

If we look up the word bored at describes it as “feeling weary because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one's current activity.” Now, I agree some things we do could possibly be boring. Perhaps you are bored with watching sports or a weekly event you attend to support your friend. There can be a long list of things which fit this description, but I would like to remind you that your perception and reaction are two different responses.

How many times were you bored, but then you or someone else was able to change the experience? You ever attend an event and want to leave in the first 15 minutes but then 3 hours later you were glad you stayed?

You see our problem is not boredom but how we allow our perception (which is not always accurate) to shape our response. An example is people who tend to watch other people live instead of enjoying the life God gave them. Why? Because of the perception that their life is so much better.

Listen. All of us experience the emotion of being bored. I do every time I take training for work or watch a certain sport (I won’t say which one). But my life is not defined by boring moments. If anything, I am grateful for the peace of not being busy all the time. I am thankful to be surrounded by drama-free people. I love that I am good watching TV and laughing on the couch with only Jesus and I. I have learned to make myself laugh. I have learned if I am truly bored then I can change my response and stimulate myself in certain situations. Sometimes, I appreciate the slowness in the day so I can breathe and think.

As you finish this message and allow the Lord to speak to you. Think about is this you. Do you think your life is boring? The Lord didn’t create you to always have a full calendar, constantly on the go, and living a facade on social media (or in-person) while your soul is dying off screen. The Lord created you to enjoy the freedoms of life which He planned and purposed for each individual person.

It is never boring to have a life full of peace and quiet. It is never boring to have absolutely nothing to do on the weekend. It is never boring to make time only for you and God.  

I hope you hear me when I say you are not boring. Your life is NOT BORING! You have been created and molded by the Lord almighty. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, and the Lord has never made anything boring. Everything He has and will continue to do is extraordinary.

Now try to live your life as your life, and not through the lenses of others.


A little over a year ago, I was watching a show and there was a line which reminded me of the Lord. In this scene the lady was going to a doctor’s appointment to discuss certain options for her situation. Her male friend followed her to keep an eye on her. When she came out of the doctor’s appt she saw him and said, “Are you following me?” He replied, “No I only wanted to bring you an umbrella. It is going to rain today.” They go back and forth and eventually he says, “Nothing you do is going to change me or anyone else who really loves you.”  She replies, “You love me?”

In that moment I got teary-eyed because isn’t this how our Lord feels about us? Reminding us that nothing we do separates His love from us. NOTHING! I was also reminded that during my rainy days God always brings me an umbrella. We might not always want to talk to God, but regardless, there He is watching over us to make sure we have what we need for the day.

Are you aware of the days the Lord brought you an umbrella because it was going to rain? Have you noticed our Father knew you were going to have a rough day and there He was to provide you with comfort?

I wanted to thank God for always having an umbrella ready for my rainy days. I am so glad I have a friend that follows me around even when I don’t want Him there. And I’m grateful for a Father whose love will never change towards me. I pray through all our struggles we are reminded “The righteous person may have many troubles but the Lord delivers him from them all.” Psalms 34:19

May the Lord lift your spirits if you’re feeling down and may we become more aware of the umbrellas God brings to us in our time of need.

P.S. If you look up synonyms for umbrella you will find “shelter, protect, shade, and guard.”

Buckets and Boxes

Good morning!! 

A few weeks back I was talking with the Lord about how the world tries to put every human being in a bucket or box. No matter what role we play both personally and professionally there is always someone saying this is why she fits in this bucket or this is why he falls into this box. An example are the themes introvert and extrovert. You can read the various definitions but some define extroverts as being “outgoing, fun-loving, friendly and talkative.” Introverts can be defined as “reserved, withdrawn, and introspective with small circles.” Then there are also ambiverts “which are considered both extroverts and introverts.”

Now I am not saying there is anything wrong with understanding the behaviors of a person, but I do think many things meant for good are also causing people to be placed in a box or bucket, which in turn puts limits on the possibilities of who God created us to be. 

When God created man He didn’t say I am going to create introverts and extroverts. He created what was good (Genesis) without putting boundaries on our ability to be unique individuals. PERIOD!

 As human beings we keep developing “tools” which are supposed to assist our understanding of personalities and interactions without the thought of how helpful is this?

 As I continue to read more articles about strength themes, personality themes, leadership themes, and the list goes on. Every article has a way of saying if you exhibit these traits then you’re this. If you don’t encompass these skills then you’ll never be that.



The reason for this message is a reminder our Father does not fit in a specific bucket or box. He is not an introvert or extrovert. He is not social or anti-social. He is not a rating 5 based on our work review of Him. He is God! God of many characteristics found in the Bible. And the Bible says we are made in His image not the world’s view.


His image  incorporates……

Love (Devoted), Faithfulness (Consistent), Mercy (Tenderness), Grace (Beauty), Humor (Joyful), Power (Qualified), Strategist (Planner), Friendly (Approachable), Knowledgeable (Awareness), Wisdom (Good Judgment), Encourager (Builder), Directness (Sincerity), Patience (Forgiving), Gentleness (Compassionate), Peace (Unity), Generosity (Considerate), Leadership (Shepherd, Head, Commander) and many more. 

So…the next time you feel someone is trying to box or bucket you; remember our Father is not limited by those things and you are His child so what does this make you? It makes you UNIQUELY PURPOSED with LIMITLESS ABILITIES!  

 Psalm 139:13-14 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

You Are More Than Just

You Are More Than “JUST”


Exodus 4:10 says Moses said to the Lord, “Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.”

(In 2021) I was given the word “Just.” Now not in the way you think like just as in being trustworthy, true, or honorable but the total opposite. If you review a few antonyms for just you will find words like inequitable, unfitting, and unsuited. If you dig deeper unsuited means “not right or appropriate, not suited for the job.”

Let us think more about the phrase “not suited.” Did Moses think he was suited for the job even though God was with him? How many times do we feel “not suited” for situations we are asked to participate in or lead? Situations we know deep in our spirit we should be involved in but too afraid to try because we believe we are just not suited.

How many times have you said, “Well I can’t because I JUST started?” I am unable because I just don’t have the abilities like the previous leader. I won’t get the job because I only have an Associate’s degree. I would help but I’m just not the right person. I want to help but I just know they can do it better.

Unfortunately, I have walked in a mindset of just. A mindset of disbelief that everything about me is not enough. Not enough to do my job, not enough to raise my daughters, and not enough to become an author. Because I felt I was just not enough.

Sometimes this is my default to walk in a “just” aka “limiting” posture. I’ve said silently or out loud God I would, but I just don’t have enough experience. Father, I tried but I am just one person. Lord, I believe you but if you could just send someone else. When I choose to display the just attitude then I am limiting the Father instead of unleashing His Power!

Remember Moses comment “Lord I have never been eloquent.” Where did Moses obtain this belief from? Who told Moses he wasn’t eloquent? It certainly was not the Father because the Lord reminded Moses “who made his mouth and that he would help him speak and teach him what to say.” 

My sisters and brothers,

The Word of God does not say we are just human beings. The Word of God says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We are more than conquerors. We can do all things through Christ. Nowhere in these scriptures does God call us “not right, not appropriate and unsuited.” He calls us His craftsmanship. He says we are made in His image. And nothing and I mean nothing “can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Click here to watch a brief video with more details on You Are More Than “JUST”

“I am More Than Just”

“You Are More Than Just”

“We Are More Than Just”



Ready to Enter a State of Time out!”

When you hear the word rest what are some thoughts that come to mind? Do you think of sleep, especially uninterrupted sleep? Do you think of being able to sit in peace without phone calls or requests from your children? Do you think of peace in your soul where it is calm and free of the day’s worries? Do you think of family vacations far away from the chaos of the world?

What does rest mean for you? Do you know the importance of rest and the impact it has when it is not sought after on a consistent basis? Rest is more than an eight-hour night of sleep. It is more than a 7-day cruise. It is more than a day free from the children’s school and sports activities. Rest is the freedom to relax, unwind, and flow throughout your day (maybe not every day but more frequently).

Unfortunately, our inability to understand the ways of rest is impacting our capacity to be effective. Not just for everyone else but more importantly our temple is being crippled because we are not resting His way.

The culture we live in has made “busyness” an idol. Busyness in some respects is considered as fruitful and appears to be a form of success. If you’re not overwhelmed or have a huge task list, then you must be lazy right? Wrong!

Busyness is a thief stealing (taking) from your rest. Busyness is the distraction to being a vital part/member in the body of Christ. Busyness is what keeps you up at night. Busyness is the anxiety you are experiencing throughout the day. Busyness is the unwanted friend lying to you that there is no other way but to keep pushing through your large to-do list. Busyness is draining you of joy and motivation to work on God things.

Busyness, busyness, busyness! What do we do with all this busyness? Well…let’s thank God we have the power to control our busyness. Let’s acknowledge our temples deserve better. Let’s move towards Jesus believing His yoke is light. Let’s lay down our burdens. Let’s trust His plan. AND LET’S PREPARE TO ENTER HIS REST


Ready to Enter a State of Time out!”

Matthew 11:28-30 (New International Version) 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 

Matthew 11:28-30 (The Message) 28-30 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” 

Click here to watch my brief video on Resting His Way!

Share The Load


As I was walking/jogging this morning the phrase “Share the Load” came to mind. So, I will begin with this question for you; do you share your challenges, goals, and fears with Jesus? I mean really share or do you try to tackle everything alone?

Sisters and Brothers,

I don’t need coffee, sugar, or medication to do what I do. When I am at my BEST; it is because I am sharing the load with God, instead of trying to carry it alone. Before I start jogging, I request help from the Lord, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I say Father, you know my knee is going to start hurting so I will control the breathing part, you control the protection while I run, Jesus keep my knee from hurting and Holy Spirit please give me the power to push through any workout.

Did you understand what I just said? When I am at my BEST, it is because I ASK FOR HELP, so I’m able to do above and beyond what is typically not possible in human strength. I am not an author because I have great ideas. I am an author because I share the load. I am the tool that writes, while the Holy Spirit provides the words and scriptures. When I choose to share the load, it is so much easier for me to write, encourage, lead, do insane workouts, and most importantly experience the peace of God.

So, I ask again, do you understand what it means to cast your cares? To ask for help? To expect that God will show up for you in all your needs?

Whether it be work, personal relationships, or desires; what would happen if you would share the load with Jesus? I don’t know about you, but I accomplish so much more when God is involved.

Have a Healthy weekend

Unhealthy Gaps!

Good morning!

How is everyone today? I hope everyone was able to rest this past weekend or at least do something you enjoy. My oldest daughter texted me and said, “Mom I miss the fireworks at auntie’s house.” I told her “Me too.” We used to drive down and my sister would have a gathering with food and games; then dad, stepdad, and myself would set the sky ablaze. I mean would we safely have a firework display.

You know what I find interesting is since I could remember I have never been afraid of fireworks. I’ve never been afraid because my uncle and dad introduced them to me at a young age. I was always fascinated at what one little object could do in the sky (or ground). Fast forward to today, we don’t light fireworks like we used to, and I feel a little fear in my spirit that was never there. It’s there because I no longer am consistent with lighting them (involved). It’s kind of like these little gaps of time is placing concern, which was never there before. 

Unfortunately, sometimes our walk with God, is like my firework experience. When we’re first introduced to Jesus, were excited and can sense His overwhelming love for us. We were so excited that perhaps we shared it with family members or friends. We were so consumed by Him that we wanted to learn more and experience more of Him. Matter of fact, do you remember the last time, that you were so sure of who God is that NO ONE COULD TELL YOU DIFFERENT?

But you know what happens, we begin to let days, weeks, months, and years go by. Our commitment to being with, listening to, and desiring His love has now become spaced out among other priorities. And where there used to be a strong faith in Jesus, we now struggle with fear and doubt. We now have allowed little gaps to fill our mind with inappropriate thoughts. We have allowed the hole which once was filled by Jesus is now filled by anxiety, frustration, doubt, and fear.

Sisters and Brothers,

I don’t know your current battle or even questions you have for and about the Lord; but I do know the more time away from God, allows for little unhealthy gaps to seep into our life. It allows fear and misunderstandings to override what we once believed to be true. Personally, I am trying to be consistent throughout the day in spending time with God, because I do believe Jesus walked on water; however, when I allow gaps in my faith to seep in, then I find myself sinking just like Peter.

Love you guys and Have a Healthy Wednesday

John 15:5-9 (NIV) “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”

Civil (Courteous/Polite) Conversations:

Happy Tuesday,

Hope your week is off to a great start. I am grateful for this past Sunday; I got to hear one of my favorite worship singers and pastor preach. It really made my day! And this is the day, the Lord has made, so let us be glad and rejoice in it!

Yesterday, I got to have a conversation for an hour, with an adult in-person. I wasn't intentionally trying to break the social distancing mandate but was picking up items from this person. We talked about various topics from family, jobs, how we were raised, the world today, and our thoughts for the future. During this conversation, this person shared a few political views, which I didn’t agree with; but I love the presence of the Holy Spirit. Their views didn’t affect our ability to still have a “civil” conversation. I just listened and allowed them to state their view; however, after I drove off, I talked to the Lord about it. He reminded me that we were able to be civil, because the Holy Spirit allowed me to be at peace. The Holy Spirit doesn’t have a combative nature, but He is a peacemaker. Did I want to respond with my views? Of course, but I was at peace with just being okay with my beliefs, and not needing to prove my side.  But don’t get me wrong, I have my combative days too!

Children of the Lord,

I’ve said this before, and I will say it again. You don’t have to win everyone argument. You don’t have to be right. The Lord doesn’t call us to win arguments, He calls us to be at peace with one another. Are you at peace?  

Romans 12:14-18 (NLT): Bless those who persecute you. Don’t curse them; pray that God will bless them. Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep. LIVE IN HARMONY WITH EACH OTHER. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don’t think you know it all! Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.

He is Still Working!

Good morning afternoon!

It has been awhile, but I hope all of you and your family, are still healthy and mentally strong. Praying continued protection and wisdom for all of us. Praying for those, which are battling with unseen opponents, that you will have victory by the Lord’s grace.  

This past Sunday, I took my usual long walk on the Polaris strip. I passed Kroger’s, Maurice’s and what used to be the Dress Barn store. I passed Big Lots, JoAnn’s, and what used to be the Arhaus furniture store. I passed Party Place, Hallmark, Old Navy and Best Buy, which is still open; I guess electronics are essential. Then I passed by the closed Panera. Sometimes, I walk a little slower by this Panera, because this is just one of my meeting places with God. Yes, you can meet God anywhere, but Him and I have shared some special moments at Panera, and I miss that.

Anyhoo, I make the right turn and head on to Lowe’s, and you know what I noticed? I noticed the beautiful flowers, which were on the sale displays. I’m sure they have been out for a while, but for some reason, I noticed them that day. And because of those flowers, my hope tank was refilled. It was refilled, because I was reminded that after the rain, the FLOWERS WILL BLOOM AGAIN! After the winter storms, the GRASS WILL BE GREEN, and the TREES WILL BE FULL OF LEAVES! Those little flowers reminded me, that God doesn’t stop working, because Covid-19 showed up. There is no enemy, no tragedy, and no pandemic bigger than our God. He is the great I AM!  

Praying the Lord will restore (and maintain) our hope, during these dark and difficult times.

Psalm 30:1-5 (NLT): I will exalt you, Lord, for you rescued me. You refused to let my enemies triumph over me. O Lord my God, I cried to you for help, and you restored my health. You brought me up from the grave, O Lord. You kept me from falling into the pit of death. Sing to the Lord, all you godly ones! Praise his holy name. For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.