Deliberately Me!

A journey for those seeking contentment in a deliberate God

The Aftermath of Our Impatience

Yesterday’s sermon series discussed Exodus chapter 33. During the sermon, the pastor mentioned the golden calf incident and then the consequences which came after. As I was sitting in my seat what came to my mind was the “Aftermath of Our Impatience.”

Moses was only gone for 40 days. He was gone because he was seeking the Lord on behalf of leading the Israelites. His delay in returning had everything to do with the best intentions for the Israelites. He was not gone for 40 days for a beach vacation. He was not gone for 40 days because he was visiting a best friend or family member. He was not gone for 40 days because he decided to leave them alone in the desert. No. Moses was not present with them because he retreated to the fullness of the Lord’s presence to receive wisdom, direction, and a refilling of his soul.

But the Israelites in their human nature decided to respond from the flesh. They took the same gold that was given to them from the Egyptians to make idols to worship. Their impatience led them to act on their fleshy impulses which led to a tragic end for many of them. Their lack of restraint and not understanding the “why” Moses was gone led to a consequence which could have been avoided.

How many times have we acted from a place of impatience? What has been the aftermath of your fleshy impulses?

The crazy thing about these chapters is they were blessed with all that gold and silver. And instead of using the gifts of gold and silver to bless others in some way. They turned their blessings into an idol which led to the aftermath of losing their blessings and death for some.

I am grateful to our Lord because He is beyond patient and merciful to us. But sometimes, He will allow consequences to occur which is really the aftermath of our impatience or disobedience.

I encourage you to read Exodus chapters 32-34. Take time with the Lord and think about the golden calves you may have created because of your struggle to wait on the Lord.

Have a blessed and healthy week!