Deliberately Me!

A journey for those seeking contentment in a deliberate God

It is in our DNA!

Genesis 1:26 “Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness,”

 Some years back, I was visiting my family for a surprise birthday party. During our trip we visited different relatives including meeting people we had never met. We discussed updates on what our children were doing and new things in which we were involved. I do not remember all the details of the visit, but I do remember one phrase a relative said. They said, “It is in my DNA.” They were making this comment because if I remember correctly, they were thinking about leaving their job due to it being a toxic environment. They were referring to who they were because of their father (earthly dad). And that they knew who they were and would not continue to be subjected to this type of treatment.

It is amazing what one little, but powerful statement can do. This statement has stuck with me all these years. I even remember saying, I need to write a message on “It is in my DNA.” 

October’s blog will be short but provide a powerful reminder that “It is in Your DNA.” Do you know how I know? Because the Word says, He made us in His image (likeness). The great and sovereign Lord made us to resemble Him. Let me repeat it differently. The MAKER of HEAVEN and EARTH made us in HIS IMAGE!

So yes! It is in Your DNA.

It is in Your DNA to finish your diploma, GED, or College degree.

It is in Your DNA to start a new business.

It is in Your DNA to find the next job opportunity.

It is in Your DNA to receive your next promotion.

It is in Your DNA to overcome depression or addiction.

It is in Your DNA to reconcile your marriage.

It is in Your DNA to raise amazing god-fearing children.

It is in Your DNA to overcome this season of constant change and uncertainty.

It is in Your DNA to finish what you have been putting off for years.

It is in Your DNA to give grace to the unlovable.

It is in Your DNA to make it just one more day.

It is in Your DNA to complain less and be more grateful.

It is in Your DNA to walk with your head held High because you are a creation of the MOST HIGH!

It is in Your DNA to overcome any obstacle because the presence of the “IMAGE MAKER” is always with you.

So, what type of attitude will you walk with this week?

You will operate according to YOUR FATHER’S (Heavenly) posture because it is in YOUR DNA!

Genesis 1:26 “Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness,”